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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
♥ 3:49 AM

so tired 2day gt
np training!
wa lau 1 of the ci(a)
sulks leh!
keep on ask us 2 jumping jacks
n pumping saying recount
n recount...
hello i gt count lor!
n our group onli gt
3 sec 1 gals then tink wat
like we guys like tat cn shout
stupid lah!!!!
then ask us to pumping then stay in
the position so hard lor!
keep on in tat position 4 so long
wa lau lah!
make us so tired lor
then tmr still gt np parade
arr dun feel like going lor
but still must go
aiya must train up on
pumping n jumping jacks
liao lah!!!!
(a) sulks a lot!
gtg bb arr veri tired
n stinks a lot haha

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
♥ 2:18 AM

wat a stupid day 2day is!
so boring, sch change
time table veri confusing
do nth jus listen to teacher
talking wa lau tmr gt ting xie
(hv nt learn yet)
supposed to b lit but cz chnage
then bcome eng class so waste 1
period waiting 4 the lit teacher
(gd lah cn waste time lol)
then go eng class teacher waiting
jus do smth reading then bell rang liao!
go buy food then jocelyn come with
us(gladys we all)
quite bored had bread n pao arr so boring
n rose flavoured drink finally fell full
dun noe y 2day feel veri hungry!!!
mr ng nv come so stay at canteen
veri nice no nid 2 study history
pls lah it sulks!
then read a book veri nice
suddenly relived teacher come
say gt work 2 do wa lau!
ask us copy notes fr chapter 7
(hv nt learn yet lor!)
so anyhw copy some then pass up
wa oso veri boring!
supposed to use recyled materials
to make an oject
wa lau make untill dun noe like wat
wan 2 sleep liao!!!
finally finally art finished
do nth jus listen 2 mr peh
talk bout compound n mixture
listen untill wan sleep liao
ear listening, but mind
dun noe tinking wat lol!
anyway 1 period onli so finally
still cnt go home gt calligraphy
sulks n hate it man
pass veri fast
n finally go home
hip hip hooray!
nw wan go cut hair
gtg bb!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008
♥ 4:58 AM

a camp i attended on
sat n fri!
it was held at sch n cz
a overnite camp...
so many activities i did
during the camp!
form into groups
group name is
play many games
hv to guess hu is our
memtor by asking around
hv 2 complete task b4 getting
clues to our group memtor
finally knew hu our memtor is
next hv many stations to play
each time visit must pay 'money'
(in the form of ice cream sticks)
wa..... play until no more ice cream sticks
hv to go to penalty station
so lau que!!!!!
shame shame!!!
but lucky we r the second group to goo
lol finally is lunch!
do field cooking!
tats fun maggie mee suddenly
bcame so nice 2 eat lol
too hungry liao
next hv camp fire preparation
hv 2 tink of skit n cheer
damm so hard
no ideas at all leh!!!
anyway managed to tink
of idea n skit liao
then go play more games
n hv dinner!
wa time pass veri fast!
dinner quite nice but too much liao
hv 2 finish every single grain of rice
they gt check wan hor
one of my group member ate
seven drumsticks!!!!!
cn u blieve it???
anyway after dinner we gt campfire
my favourite!
sang songs perform our skit
n cheer!
woo so happy n nice
time passed n campfire ended
but our activities hv nt ended
still gt tresure hunt!
omg tat one damm boring n hard lor
n so lau que nv finish the hunt
haha lucky tis time gt three groups
nv finish thk goodness leh!
finally time to sleep
cnt bath jus cn brush teeth
wa lau so sticky!
but still managed to sleep
wa the nite so cold lor
lucky gt bing towel
but still veri cold
shivering inside the towel!!
btw cnt bring sleeping bag
jus lie down on the floor!
wake up go brush teeth
then all groups assemble liao
then go 4 breakfast!
eat bread n jam n milo
had three cz group leader
say must eat more
after breakfast is my favourite
n best activity~wet activities!!!
nid play 2 games 1 is u must go over ur opponent
there to touch ur flag then consider win
must cn throw water bomb
wa i gt splash!!!
anyway still veri fun!
haha next activity gt many stations
wa first station so hard 2 complete
arr finally complete liao
other stations quite fast to complete
phew lucky!!!
anyway after wet activity is lunch
wa lunch oso veri nice then gt treat
hv bubble tea~peach tea
for lunch too!
hip hip hooray!
after lunch gt NDP rehersal
wa so stupid lah!!
waste 3 hours
wa lau lah must sit under the
hot sun!
anyway the 3 hours finally passed
wnet back to camp
pack pack hv debrief n
finally go home.
phew sure veri tired
ok write till here gtg bb

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
♥ 6:36 PM

a big sry!
so long nv publish post....
so many tings 2 write
lets start with gd news!
i gt a new handphone waited
tat 4 so long lol....
hip hip hooray!!!!!
arrr tis march holiday so fast going
2 end liao!
soon is going 2 b fri where i will
b going to npcc camp
sigh onli gt 1 track pants!!
wat to do????
i nid 2!
must go buy liao
aiya so ma fan hv to
go buy leh n oso nid
1.5 lilte bottle
where to get such
a big bottle leh!
really arr tis camp
a bit ma fan leh!
i die die hope is going to b
fun camp lol
many tings happen!
went to library yesterday with
gladys supposed to do work
but half of the time is
reading sigh....
hw lazy i am!
nv study......
cannot lah!
nw must study hard liao
gt ndp training soon
veri tiring but still nid to
study sigh...
means must spend
less time on the com n hp
arr so stupid!!!!
ok gtg liao bb
4 nw!
(might post another post later:)!)

Monday, March 10, 2008
♥ 1:22 AM

wat a boring day 2day is
so boring thk goodness jus nw gt remindial class
btw is math...
lol ms tan ask us remindial in dhe canteen!
cn u belive it???
onli bout 5 ppl turn up 4 the remindial
sigh hw disappointed ms tan must hv felt!
but i tink is better like tis she cn concentrate
on us bette,r wa lau!
the david so wat leh so annoying!
we make jokes with ms tan she such a nice teacher
anyway get back serious matters ....
ms tan xplained the math to us so patient
nt like tat ms tay!
so lucky at least we gt her 4 the whole of term 2
hip hip hooray!!!!
sigh wa tto rite 2 2day so boring leh....
so sorrie dun noe wat to rite
anyway nid 2 go to grandma hse hope at there
gt smth to do i bored till wan die liao lah!!!!!
gtg le bb 4 nw!

Sunday, March 9, 2008
♥ 1:28 AM

wow.... wat a busy day yesterday
8 march was!
so sorrie nv update yesterday...
we gt our jj fairi was incharge of the food stall
went veri early to sch!
after the goh came the fair started...
the business was so lousy at first no one
came to buy our drinks n food(hotdog bread)
omg i tot...
then my fren had a gd idea we take a carton put some drinks
inside then started going arounf selling
our drinks!
wat a gd idea tat was...
we managed to sell quite a lot
of drinks!
the ppl are so kind even if they
hv thier own drinks
they still buy fr us
but some teenagers r jus so rude!
hv to keep on shouting''drinks 4 sale
at only $1'' cz too noisy liao
lol wat a day it was! but theres more to come
sadly nt much ppl came n buy our bread
soon, it was late morning i had gone on a few rounds
of selling the drinks!
aunt n uncle came immediately ask
them buy my food stall tings!
haha lol....
nt onli tat they oso give me the remaining
coupons to use
wa veri kind leh!
then fren's parents came buy
2 cartons of drinks fr us
clear our stock veri fast
hooray 4 tat!
soon my shift ended...
n is play time!
wnet 2 support our
own game stall is bout
shooting weater gun at
each other wow tats fun
had a great time shooting
wa come out veri wet cz
my anotehr fren go use
water bomb throw at me!
''hey tats nt fair....''
anyway is so fun till my
frens n i play again!
time flew n i was so hungry
went out with gladys to buy
bubble tea(acturally i dun tink
is allowed lol)!
the our food stall sell finish everyting
hiphip hooray 4 the boys!!!!
dun noe wat to do so go game stall help out
wow the whole place flooded leh
hv to help clean up!
dusk fall n the class waited 4 mr lau 2 come
n give our report bk!
finally he come...
wa lau ask us clear up the place b4 cn
dimiss us!
so many rubbish n some boys jus sit down there
doing nth...
all cleared up n gt our report bk
then started saying bout the games stall n
food stall then smth one laughed n wa lau
scold us hey is none of my business ok!
arr so late still dun wan dimiss us wat the....
'ok u r dimissed' hooray finally cn go home
parents wait veri long liao leh
hip hip hooray!
finally finally out of the sch n gladys n i
went 4 dinner at hawker
veri hungry leh!
take bus n FINALLY
REACH HOME! hw happy
i am ok gtg liao bb!

Thursday, March 6, 2008
♥ 11:05 PM

wat a busy day 2day
is arr...
so many tings 2 do
first, hv 2 go 4
lang fest nid 2 trade
fotos with other ppl
fr other class
veri lame rite!!!
finally go prepare
4 our jj fair games stall
nid 2 cover up the whole
plsce with trash bags!
so hot n stuffy n dark
too then gt 1 prob....
nt enough trash bags
mr lau ask us go find
trash bags....
cn u imagine?
my fren n i
went 2 find but 2 no avail
y no one hv trash bags?
anyway we went back n tel mr lau
n he say keep on trying ha tink
veri easy lol then nid 2 go hall
4 the assembly stupid lah the
whole sch preparing 4 jj fair still
nid assembly anyway still go liao
left onli si yu grace n er i tink bai yang
bhind 2 continue preparing!
the assembly er ok lah
finally finish liao then nid go
back classroom 2 take report bk
went back liao!
wa the classroom became veri dark
wait n wait n wait but mr lau
did nt come then another fren say
cn go home liao!
wa lau lah make us wait 4 nth!
stupid anywaygo home liao
n started writing tis blog
ok gtg bb nw

♥ 1:24 AM

today is such a tiring day
gt lang fest then go out of
sch take photos. veri stupid
worse still transport is on
our own sch nv provide
sigh but on the hold
gd xperience 4 me
walk here walk there so
tiring leh then still gt
rain haiz...
but the ppl veri kind
willing 2 help us post
4 our lang fest project
nw nid to do collage must
tmr pass up sigh....
tink we gt a lot of time
arr must gtg

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
♥ 11:46 PM

now sch so
my classmate(A)
steal my gd fren(B) from
wat to do???
can anyone help me???!!!
during pe,
they pang seh me
then i go find other frends
then when A not around,
B will come talk to me
but when A around,
they treat me like transparent
i feel very left out leh!!!!
if ue are dhe one i talking bout,
do ue know how hurt m i
when both of ue ignore me?
A, do u know tat i wan bfrens with u,
is u make me angry with u
so dun blame me if nw i nv
talk to u!
is all u n B's fault!
not my prob
ur always pang seh me arr
so i go find other frens dun say is i
pang seh ur horh!!!
gtg lerrs... BYES

♠CLARA lim

bold italics underline

1 Endurance.
AMAnda. DAVid.
GLADys Soo.
JING jie.
WEN hui.

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